(function($) {
'use strict';
* @class ThreeSixty
* **The ThreeSixty slider class**.
* This as jQuery plugin to create 360 degree product image slider.
* The plugin is full customizable with number of options provided. The plugin
* have the power to display images in any angle 360 degrees. This feature can be
* used successfully in many use cases e.g. on an e-commerce site to help customers
* look products in detail, from any angle they desire.
* **Features**
* - Smooth Animation
* - Plenty of option parameters for customization
* - Api interaction
* - Simple mouse interaction
* - Custom behavior tweaking
* - Support for touch devices
* - Easy to integrate
* - No flash
* Example code:
* var product1 = $('.product1').ThreeSixty({
* totalFrames: 72,
* endFrame: 72,
* currentFrame: 1,
* imgList: '.threesixty_images',
* progress: '.spinner',
* imagePath:'/assets/product1/',
* filePrefix: 'ipod-',
* ext: '.jpg',
* height: 265,
* width: 400,
* navigation: true
* });
* **Note:** There are loads other options that you can override to customize
* this plugin.
* @extends jQuery
* @singleton
* @param {String} [el] jQuery selector string for the parent container
* @param {Object} [options] An optional config object
* @return this
$.ThreeSixty = function(el, options) {
// To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this'
// to reference this class from internal events and functions.
var base = this,
AppConfig, frames = [],
VERSION = '2.0.5';
// Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element
* @property {$el}
* jQuery Dom node attached to the slider inherits all jQuery public functions.
base.$el = $(el);
base.el = el;
// Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
base.$el.data('ThreeSixty', base);
* @method init
* The function extends the user options with default settings for the
* slider and initilize the slider.
* **Style Override example**
* var product1 = $('.product1').ThreeSixty({
* totalFrames: 72,
* endFrame: 72,
* currentFrame: 1,
* imgList: '.threesixty_images',
* progress: '.spinner',
* imagePath:'/assets/product1/',
* filePrefix: 'ipod-',
* ext: '.jpg',
* height: 265,
* width: 400,
* navigation: true,
* styles: {
* border: 2px solide #b4b4b4,
* background: url(http://example.com/images/loader.gif) no-repeat
* }
* });
base.init = function() {
AppConfig = $.extend({}, $.ThreeSixty.defaultOptions, options);
if(AppConfig.disableSpin) {
AppConfig.currentFrame = 1;
AppConfig.endFrame = 1;
* Function to resize the height of responsive slider.
base.resize = function() {
// calculate height
* @method initProgress
* The function sets initial styles and start the progress indicator
* to show loading of images.
* @private
base.initProgress = function() {
width: AppConfig.width + 'px',
height: AppConfig.height + 'px',
'background-image': 'none !important'
if(AppConfig.styles) {
marginTop: ((AppConfig.height / 2) - 15) + 'px'
* @method loadImages
* @private
* The function asynchronously loads images and inject into the slider.
base.loadImages = function() {
var li, imageName, image, host, baseIndex;
li = document.createElement('li');
baseIndex = AppConfig.zeroBased ? 0 : 1;
imageName = !AppConfig.imgArray ?
AppConfig.domain + AppConfig.imagePath + AppConfig.filePrefix + base.zeroPad((AppConfig.loadedImages + baseIndex)) + AppConfig.ext + ((base.browser.isIE()) ? '?' + new Date().getTime() : '') :
image = $('
').attr('src', imageName).addClass('previous-image').appendTo(li);
$(image).load(function () {
* @method loadImages
* @private
* The function gets triggers once the image is loaded. We also update
* the progress percentage in this function.
base.imageLoaded = function () {
AppConfig.loadedImages += 1;
$(AppConfig.progress + ' span').text(Math.floor(AppConfig.loadedImages / AppConfig.totalFrames * 100) + '%');
if (AppConfig.loadedImages >= AppConfig.totalFrames) {
if(AppConfig.disableSpin) {
$(AppConfig.progress).fadeOut('slow', function () {
} else {
* @method loadImages
* @private
* This function is called when all the images are loaded.
* **The function does following operations**
* - Removes background image placeholder
* - Displays the 360 images
* - Initilizes mouse intraction events
base.showImages = function () {
base.ready = true;
AppConfig.ready = true;
if (AppConfig.drag) {
setTimeout(function() { base.responsive(); }, 50);
* The function to initilize external plugin
base.initPlugins = function () {
$.each(AppConfig.plugins, function(i, plugin) {
if(typeof $[plugin] === 'function') {
$[plugin].call(base, base.$el, AppConfig);
} else {
throw new Error(plugin + ' not available.');
* @method showNavigation
* Creates a navigation panel if navigation is set to true in the
* settings.
base.showNavigation = function() {
if (AppConfig.navigation && !AppConfig.navigation_init) {
var nav_bar, next, previous, play_stop;
nav_bar = $('
').attr('class', 'nav_bar');
next = $('').attr({
'href': '#',
'class': 'nav_bar_next'
previous = $('').attr({
'href': '#',
'class': 'nav_bar_previous'
play_stop = $('').attr({
'href': '#',
'class': 'nav_bar_play'
next.bind('mousedown touchstart', base.next);
previous.bind('mousedown touchstart', base.previous);
play_stop.bind('mousedown touchstart', base.play_stop);
AppConfig.navigation_init = true;
* @method play_stop
* @private
* Function toggles the autoplay rotation of 360 slider
* @param {Object} [event] jQuery events object.
base.play_stop = function(event) {
if (!AppConfig.autoplay) {
AppConfig.autoplay = true;
AppConfig.play = setInterval(base.moveToNextFrame, AppConfig.playSpeed);
} else {
AppConfig.autoplay = false;
AppConfig.play = null;
* @method next
* Using this function you can rotate 360 to next 5 frames.
* @param {Object} [event] jQuery events object.
base.next = function(event) {
if (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
AppConfig.endFrame -= 5;
* @method previous
* Using this function you can rotate 360 to previous 5 frames.
* @param {Object} [event] jQuery events object.
base.previous = function(event) {
if (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
AppConfig.endFrame += 5;
* @method play
* You are start the auto rotaion for the slider with this function.
base.play = function(speed) {
var _speed = speed || AppConfig.playSpeed;
if (!AppConfig.autoplay) {
AppConfig.autoplay = true;
AppConfig.play = setInterval(base.moveToNextFrame, _speed);
* @method stop
* You can stop the auto rotation of the 360 slider with this function.
base.stop = function() {
if (AppConfig.autoplay) {
AppConfig.autoplay = false;
AppConfig.play = null;
* @method endFrame
* @private
* Function animates to previous frame
base.moveToNextFrame = function () {
if (AppConfig.autoplayDirection === 1) {
AppConfig.endFrame -= 1;
} else {
AppConfig.endFrame += 1;
* @method gotoAndPlay
* @public
* Function animates to previous frame
base.gotoAndPlay = function (n) {
if( AppConfig.disableWrap ) {
AppConfig.endFrame = n;
} else {
// Since we could be looped around grab the multiplier
var multiplier = Math.ceil(AppConfig.endFrame / AppConfig.totalFrames);
if(multiplier === 0) {
multiplier = 1;
// Figure out the quickest path to the requested frame
var realEndFrame = (multiplier > 1) ?
AppConfig.endFrame - ((multiplier - 1) * AppConfig.totalFrames) :
var currentFromEnd = AppConfig.totalFrames - realEndFrame;
// Jump past end if it's faster
var newEndFrame = 0;
if(n - realEndFrame > 0) {
// Faster to move the difference ahead?
if(n - realEndFrame < realEndFrame + (AppConfig.totalFrames - n)) {
newEndFrame = AppConfig.endFrame + (n - realEndFrame);
} else {
newEndFrame = AppConfig.endFrame - (realEndFrame + (AppConfig.totalFrames - n));
} else {
// Faster to move the distance back?
if(realEndFrame - n < currentFromEnd + n) {
newEndFrame = AppConfig.endFrame - (realEndFrame - n);
} else {
newEndFrame = AppConfig.endFrame + (currentFromEnd + n);
// Now set the end frame
if(realEndFrame !== n) {
AppConfig.endFrame = newEndFrame;
* @method initEvents
* @private
* Function initilizes all the mouse and touch events for 360 slider movement.
base.initEvents = function () {
base.$el.bind('mousedown touchstart touchmove touchend mousemove click', function (event) {
if ((event.type === 'mousedown' && event.which === 1) || event.type === 'touchstart') {
AppConfig.pointerStartPosX = base.getPointerEvent(event).pageX;
AppConfig.dragging = true;
} else if (event.type === 'touchmove') {
} else if (event.type === 'touchend') {
AppConfig.dragging = false;
$(document).bind('mouseup', function (event) {
AppConfig.dragging = false;
$(this).css('cursor', 'none');
$(window).bind('resize', function (event) {
$(document).bind('mousemove', function (event) {
if (AppConfig.dragging) {
if(!base.browser.isIE && AppConfig.showCursor) {
base.$el.css('cursor', 'url(assets/images/hand_closed.png), auto');
} else {
if(!base.browser.isIE && AppConfig.showCursor) {
base.$el.css('cursor', 'url(assets/images/hand_open.png), auto');
$(window).resize(function() {
* @method getPointerEvent
* @private
* Function returns touch pointer events
* @params {Object} [event]
base.getPointerEvent = function (event) {
return event.originalEvent.targetTouches ? event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0] : event;
* @method trackPointer
* @private
* Function calculates the distance between the start pointer and end pointer/
* @params {Object} [event]
base.trackPointer = function (event) {
if (AppConfig.ready && AppConfig.dragging) {
AppConfig.pointerEndPosX = base.getPointerEvent(event).pageX;
if (AppConfig.monitorStartTime < new Date().getTime() - AppConfig.monitorInt) {
AppConfig.pointerDistance = AppConfig.pointerEndPosX - AppConfig.pointerStartPosX;
if(AppConfig.pointerDistance > 0){
AppConfig.endFrame = AppConfig.currentFrame + Math.ceil((AppConfig.totalFrames - 1) * AppConfig.speedMultiplier * (AppConfig.pointerDistance / base.$el.width()));
AppConfig.endFrame = AppConfig.currentFrame + Math.floor((AppConfig.totalFrames - 1) * AppConfig.speedMultiplier * (AppConfig.pointerDistance / base.$el.width()));
if( AppConfig.disableWrap ) {
AppConfig.endFrame = Math.min(AppConfig.totalFrames - (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 1 : 0), AppConfig.endFrame);
AppConfig.endFrame = Math.max((AppConfig.zeroBased ? 0 : 1), AppConfig.endFrame);
AppConfig.monitorStartTime = new Date().getTime();
AppConfig.pointerStartPosX = base.getPointerEvent(event).pageX;
* @method refresh
* @public
* Function refeshes the timer and set interval for render cycle.
base.refresh = function () {
if (AppConfig.ticker === 0) {
AppConfig.ticker = setInterval(base.render, Math.round(1000 / AppConfig.framerate));
* @method refresh
* @private
* Function render the animation frames on the screen with easing effect.
base.render = function () {
var frameEasing;
if (AppConfig.currentFrame !== AppConfig.endFrame) {
frameEasing = AppConfig.endFrame < AppConfig.currentFrame ? Math.floor((AppConfig.endFrame - AppConfig.currentFrame) * 0.1) : Math.ceil((AppConfig.endFrame - AppConfig.currentFrame) * 0.1);
AppConfig.currentFrame += frameEasing;
base.$el.trigger('frameIndexChanged', [base.getNormalizedCurrentFrame(), AppConfig.totalFrames]);
} else {
AppConfig.ticker = 0;
* @method hidePreviousFrame
* @private
* Function hide the previous frame in the animation loop.
base.hidePreviousFrame = function () {
* @method showCurrentFrame
* @private
* Function shows the current frame in the animation loop.
base.showCurrentFrame = function () {
* @method getNormalizedCurrentFrame
* @private
* Function normalize and calculate the current frame once the user release the mouse and release touch event.
base.getNormalizedCurrentFrame = function () {
var c, e;
if ( !AppConfig.disableWrap ) {
c = Math.ceil(AppConfig.currentFrame % AppConfig.totalFrames);
if (c < 0) {
c += AppConfig.totalFrames - (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 1 : 0);
} else {
c = Math.min(AppConfig.currentFrame, AppConfig.totalFrames - (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 1 : 0));
e = Math.min(AppConfig.endFrame, AppConfig.totalFrames - (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 1 : 0));
c = Math.max(c, (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 0 : 1));
e = Math.max(e, (AppConfig.zeroBased ? 0 : 1));
AppConfig.currentFrame = c;
AppConfig.endFrame = e;
return c;
* @method getCurrentFrame
* Function returns the current active frame.
* @return Number
base.getCurrentFrame = function() {
return AppConfig.currentFrame;
* @method responsive
* Function calculates and set responsive height and width
base.responsive = function() {
if(AppConfig.responsive) {
height: base.$el.find('.current-image').first().css('height'),
width: '100%'
* Function to return with zero padding.
base.zeroPad = function (num) {
function pad(number, length) {
var str = number.toString();
if(AppConfig.zeroPadding) {
while (str.length < length) {
str = '0' + str;
return str;
var approximateLog = Math.log(AppConfig.totalFrames) / Math.LN10;
var roundTo = 1e3;
var roundedLog = Math.round(approximateLog * roundTo) / roundTo;
var numChars = Math.floor(roundedLog) + 1;
return pad(num, numChars);
base.browser = {};
* Function to detect if the brower is IE
* @return {boolean}
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms537509(v=vs.85).aspx
base.browser.isIE = function () {
var rv = -1;
if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var re = new RegExp('MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\\.0-9]{0,})');
if (re.exec(ua) !== null){
rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
return rv !== -1;
* @method getConfig
* The function returns the extended version of config object the plugin is going to
* user.
* @public
* @return Object
base.getConfig = function() {
return AppConfig;
$.ThreeSixty.defaultOptions = {
* @cfg {Boolean} dragging [dragging=false]
* @private
* Private propery contains a flags if users is in dragging mode.
dragging: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} ready [ready=false]
* @private
* Private propery is set to true is all assets are loading and application is
* ready to render 360 slider.
ready: false,
* @cfg {Number} pointerStartPosX
* @private
* private property mouse pointer start x position when user starts dragging slider.
pointerStartPosX: 0,
* @cfg {Number} pointerEndPosX
* @private
* private property mouse pointer start x position when user end dragging slider.
pointerEndPosX: 0,
* @cfg {Number} pointerDistance
* @private
* private property contains the distance between the pointerStartPosX and pointerEndPosX
pointerDistance: 0,
* @cfg {Number} monitorStartTime
* @private
* private property contains time user took in dragging mouse from pointerStartPosX and pointerEndPosX
monitorStartTime: 0,
monitorInt: 10,
* @cfg {Number} ticker
* @private
* Timer event that renders the 360
ticker: 0,
* @cfg {Number} speedMultiplier
* This property controls the sensitivity for the 360 slider
speedMultiplier: 7,
* @cfg {Number} totalFrames
* Set total number for frames used in the 360 rotation
totalFrames: 180,
* @cfg {Number} currentFrame
* Current frame of the slider.
currentFrame: 0,
* @cfg {Array} endFrame
* Private perperty contains information about the end frame when user slides the slider.
endFrame: 0,
* @cfg {Number} loadedImages
* Private property contains count of loaded images.
loadedImages: 0,
* @cfg {Array} framerate
* Set framerate for the slider animation
framerate: 60,
* @cfg {String} domains
* Set comma seprated list of all parallel domain from where 360 assets needs to be loaded.
domains: null,
* @cfg {String} domain
* Domain from where assets needs to be loaded. Use this propery is you want to load all assets from
* single domain.
domain: '',
* @cfg {Boolean} parallel
* Set to true if you want to load assets from parallel domain. Default false
parallel: false,
* @cfg {Number} queueAmount
* Set number of calls to be made on parallel domains.
queueAmount: 8,
* @cfg {Number} idle
* Mouse Inactivite idle time in seconds. If set more than 0 will auto spine the slider
idle: 0,
* @cfg {String} filePrefix
* Prefix for the image file name before the numeric value.
filePrefix: '',
* @cfg {String} ext [ext=.png]
* Slider image extension.
ext: 'png',
* @cfg {Object} height [300]
* Height of the slider
height: 300,
* @cfg {Number} width [300]
* Width of the slider
width: 300,
* @cfg {Object} styles
* CSS Styles for the 360 slider
styles: {},
* @cfg {Boolean} navigation[false]
* State if navigation controls are visible or not.
navigation: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoplay[false]
* Autoplay the 360 animation
autoplay: false,
* @cfg {number} autoplayDirection [1]
* Direction for autoplay the 360 animation. 1 for right spin, and -1 for left spin.
autoplayDirection: 1,
* Property to disable auto spin
* @type {Boolean}
disableSpin: false,
* Property to disable infinite wrap
* @type {Boolean}
disableWrap: false,
* Responsive width
* @type {Boolean}
responsive: false,
* Zero Padding for filenames
* @type {Boolean}
zeroPadding: false,
* Zero based for image filenames starting at 0
* @type {Boolean}
zeroBased: false,
* @type {Array}
* List of plugins
plugins: [],
* @type {Boolean}
* Show hand cursor on drag
showCursor: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} drag
* Set it to false if you want to disable mousedrag or touch events
drag: true,
* @cfg {Function} onReady
* Callback triggers once all images are loaded and ready to render on the screen
onReady: function() {},
* @cfg {String} imgList
* Set ul element where image will be loaded
imgList: '.threesixty_images',
* @cfg {Array} imgArray
* Use set of images in array to load images
imgArray: null,
* @cfg {Number} playSpeed
* Value to control the speed of play button rotation
playSpeed: 100
$.fn.ThreeSixty = function(options) {
return Object.create(new $.ThreeSixty(this, options));
* Object.create method for perform as a fallback if method not available.
* The syntax just takes away the illusion that JavaScript uses Classical Inheritance.
if(typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function(o) {
'use strict';
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();