( function( $ ) { "use strict"; /* Window ready event start code */ $(document).ready(function () { /* Product compare on click */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.hongo-compare', function() { var _this = $( this ); // $( '.hongo-compare-popup' ).css( 'display','block' ); $( '.hongo-compare-popup' ).css( 'visibility','visible' ).css( 'opacity','1' ); _this.find('.compare-text').text( hongoAddons.compare_added_text ); _this.find('i').attr('data-original-title', hongoAddons.compare_added_text ); var productId = $( this ).attr( 'data-product_id' ); if( productId != '' && productId != undefined ) { // Check product id var cookie_name = 'hongo-compare'+hongoAddons.site_id; var productIds = getHongoAddonsCookie( cookie_name ); if( productIds != '' && productIds != undefined ) { // Check stored value productIds = productIds.split(','); if( $.inArray( productId, productIds ) == '-1' ) { // Check duplicate value productIds.push( productId ); } } else { // Check array is not created productIds = new Array(); productIds.push( productId ); } // Set cookie setHongoAddonsCookie( cookie_name, productIds, '1' ); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: hongoAddons.ajaxurl, data: { 'action':'compare_details', 'productid' : productId }, beforeSend: function() { _this.addClass( 'loading' ); }, success:function(response) { if( $( '#hongo_compare_popup' ).length > 0 ) { $( '#hongo_compare_popup' ).html( response ); // odd even class in li $( ".compare-table li:odd" ).addClass('odd'); $( ".compare-table li:even" ).addClass('even'); // For checkbox Filter $( '.hongo-compare-product-filter-opt' ).on( 'click', function() { if( $(this).hasClass('active') ) { $(this).removeClass('active'); } else{ $(this).addClass('active'); } }); _this.removeClass( 'loading' ); // Compare data equal height $( '#hongo_compare_popup' ).imagesLoaded().progress( function() { var max_height = 0; $( '#hongo_compare_popup' ).find( '.content-left ul.compare-table li' ).each(function(index) { max_height = $( this ).height(); $( '.content-right .compare-table' ).find( 'li:eq(' + index + ')' ).each( function( i ) { if( max_height < $(this).height() ) { max_height = $(this).height(); 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var cart_button_object = $( this ); var productId = cart_button_object.attr( 'data-product_id' ); if( productId != '' && productId != undefined ) { // Check product id if( confirm( hongoAddons.compare_remove_message ) ) { var cookie_name = 'hongo-compare'+hongoAddons.site_id; var productIds = getHongoAddonsCookie( cookie_name ); if( productIds != '' && productIds != undefined ) { // Check stored value cart_button_object.parents('li.list-details').append('<div class="hongo-loader"></div>'); productIds = productIds.split(','); productIds.splice( productIds.indexOf( productId ), 1 ); // Set removed cookie var cookie_name = 'hongo-compare'+hongoAddons.site_id; setHongoAddonsCookie( cookie_name, productIds, '1' ); cart_button_object.parents( 'li' ).remove(); $('.hongo-compare[data-product_id = '+productId+']').find( '.compare-text' ).text( hongoAddons.compare_text ); $('.hongo-compare[data-product_id = '+productId+']').find('i').attr('data-original-title', hongoAddons.compare_text ); // Main ul width count dynamically hongoAddonsCompareProductFilterCSS(); // Custom Horizontal Scroll Bar hongoAddonsCustomHorizontalScroll( '.compare-popup-main-content .content-right' ); // Custom Vertical Scroll Bar hongoAddonsCustomVerticalScroll( '.compare-popup-main-content' ); // Close popup when compare list is empty if( getHongoAddonsCookie( cookie_name ).length == 0 && $.inArray( 'jquery-magnific-popup', hongoAddons.disable_scripts ) < 0 ) { $('#hongo_compare_popup').magnificPopup( 'close' ); } cart_button_object.find('.hongo-loader').remove(); } } } }); /* Remove product after added into cart from compare products popup on click add to cart button */ $( document ).on( 'click', 'a.hongo-popup-cart-button', function() { var cart_button_object = $( this ); var productId = cart_button_object.attr( 'data-product_id' ); if( productId != '' && productId != undefined ) { // Check product id // hide add to cart button setTimeout( function() { cart_button_object.parents( 'li' ).find( '.hongo-popup-cart-button' ).fadeOut(); }, 100 ); } }); /* Click Filter Button in compare products popup */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.hongo-compare-filter', function() { var filter_button_object = $( this ); var $checkboxes = $('.hongo-compare-product-filter-opt.active'); var countCheckedCheckboxes = $checkboxes.length; if( countCheckedCheckboxes >= 2 ) { if( ! ( $( '.compare-error-msg' ).hasClass('display-none') ) ) { $( '.compare-error-msg' ).addClass('display-none'); } filter_button_object.parents( '.hongo-compare-popup' ).find( '.list-details' ).addClass( 'display-none' ); $.each( $( $checkboxes ), function() { $( this ).parents( '.list-details' ).removeClass( 'display-none' ); }); // Main ul width count dynamically hongoAddonsCompareProductFilterCSS(); // Custom Scroll Bar if( $.inArray( 'hongo-mcustomscrollbar', hongoAddons.disable_scripts ) < 0 ) { $(".compare-popup-main-content .content-right").mCustomScrollbar("update"); } } else { $( '.compare-error-msg' ).removeClass('display-none'); clearTimeout(filter_link); filtermessage(); } }); /* Click Reset Button in compare products popup */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.hongo-compare-reset', function() { $( 'ul.compare-lists-wrap li' ).removeClass( 'display-none' ); $( '.hongo-compare-product-filter-opt' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $( '.compare-popup-main-content .content-right' ).css( 'width', '' ); // Main ul width count dynamically hongoAddonsCompareProductFilterCSS(); // Custom Scroll Bar if( $.inArray( 'hongo-mcustomscrollbar', hongoAddons.disable_scripts ) < 0 ) { $(".compare-popup-main-content .content-right").mCustomScrollbar("update"); } }); // Compare data equal height after clicking from quick view $( document ).on( 'hongo_quick_view_product_details_open_popup', function() { // Main ul width count dynamically hongoAddonsCompareProductFilterCSS(); // Custom Scroll Bar hongoAddonsCustomHorizontalScroll( '.compare-popup-main-content .content-right' ); }); /* Compare Filter message timeout Funstion */ var filter_link = null; function filtermessage() { filter_link = setTimeout(function(){ $( '.compare-error-msg' ).addClass('display-none'); }, 3000); } }); /* Window ready event end code */ /* Product Compare Funstion */ function hongoAddonsCompareProductFilterCSS() { // Main ul width count dynamically var t = $( '.compare-lists-wrap' ), tW = 0; $( 'li.list-details:not( .display-none )', t ).each( function() { tW += $( this ).outerWidth( true ); }); t.css('width', tW + t.outerWidth( true ) - t.width() ); } /* Custom Horizontal Scroll Bar Function */ function hongoAddonsCustomHorizontalScroll( key ) { if (typeof key === "undefined" || key === null || key === '') { key = '.compare-popup-main-content .content-right, .top-sidebar-scroll, .size-guide-content'; } /* Horizontal Custom Scrollbar - Compare popup, Top sidebar */ if( $.inArray( 'hongo-mcustomscrollbar', hongoAddons.disable_scripts ) < 0 ) { $( key ).mCustomScrollbar({ axis:"x", // horizontal scrollbar scrollInertia: 100, scrollButtons:{ enable:false }, keyboard:{ enable: true }, mouseWheel:{ enable:false, scrollAmount:200 }, advanced:{ updateOnContentResize:true, /*auto-update scrollbars on content resize (for dynamic content): boolean*/ autoExpandHorizontalScroll:true, /*auto-expand width for horizontal scrolling: boolean*/ } }); } } /* Custom Vertical Scroll Bar Function */ function hongoAddonsCustomVerticalScroll( key ) { if (typeof key === "undefined" || key === null || key === '') { key = '.compare-popup-main-content'; } /* Vertical Custom Scrollbar - Compare popup, Top sidebar */ if( $.inArray( 'hongo-mcustomscrollbar', hongoAddons.disable_scripts ) < 0 ) { $( key ).mCustomScrollbar({ axis:"y", // vertical scrollbar scrollInertia: 100, scrollButtons:{ enable:false }, keyboard:{ enable: true }, mouseWheel:{ enable:true, scrollAmount:200 }, advanced:{ updateOnContentResize:true, /*auto-update scrollbars on content resize (for dynamic content): boolean*/ autoExpandHorizontalScroll:true, /*auto-expand width for horizontal scrolling: boolean*/ } }); } } /* Set Hongo Cookie Function */ function setHongoAddonsCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = ( exdays != 0 && exdays != '' ) ? d.toUTCString() : 0; document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";expires=" + expires + ";path=/"; } /* Remove Hongo Cookie Function */ function getHongoAddonsCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } })( jQuery );